Thursday, May 1, 2014


Develop a written advertisement for your community. This ad should be complete
with pictures that are representative of life in your utopia. Save the advertisement
in a format that can be linked to your blog.

Daily Itinerary

How will utopia inhabitants spend their time during the week? Develop a
hypothetical schedule that community members might follow during a typical day.
Your itinerary can be a listing of times and activities, but it should be broken down
by the hour (or a similar time period that is appropriate for your utopia).

Journal Entries

Each person will write one journal entry, describing three days in your utopia. Choose days when
different events will be occurring—for instance, a day when a utopian community
member goes to school or work and a day when the person does not. Your entries
might include details on work, family, worship, school, entertainment, and so on.

Invitation to Friends

Write a persuasive letter to a friend or relative on why your utopia is the best one in
which to live.

Governing Body

How will the government of this utopia be structured? Will you have a democracy,
an anarchy, a monarchy, or a dictatorship? How will your utopia make decisions?

List of Rules

Develop a list of at least ten rules that all community members will follow. Provide a
rationale for each rule.

Utopian Animal

What animal would symbolize your utopia? Explain your choice, and include a
picture of the animal on your blog.

Utopian Motto and Seal

Create a slogan or motto that inhabitants of your utopia will follow, and develop a
utopian seal. Explain the meaning and significance of the motto and seal you choose.